


Evolution #1321 » 0001-Modifications-and-corrections-after-first-rereading-.patch

Guillaume AGNIERAY, 03/10/2019 14:32

Voir les différences:

About Galette's documentation
`Galette <>`_ documentation, under the terms of the `Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported <>`_ license, is written using `reStructuredText <>`_ and is built with `Sphinx documentation builder <>`_.
`Galette <>`_'s documentation, released under the terms of the `Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported <>`_ license, is written using `reStructuredText <>`_ and is built with `Sphinx documentation builder <>`_.
Retrieve sources
`Documentation sources <>`_ are stored in their own `Git <>`_ repository hosted at `Tuxfamily <>`_ (big thanks to them!). A `mirror is also available on github <>`_.
`Documentation sources <>`_ are stored in their own `Git <>`_ repository hosted by `Tuxfamily <>`_ (big thanks to them!). A `mirror is also available on github <>`_.
To clone main repository, use the following along with your Tuxfamily credentials:
To clone the main repository, use the following along with your Tuxfamily credentials:
$ git clone ssh://
$ git clone ssh://
Or as anonymous user:
$ git clone git://
Sphinx allows to build documentation for various formats from same sources. Galette documentation is therefore available as HTML, PDF and EPUB formats; thanks to `Read the docs <>`_.
Sphinx allows to build documentation in various formats from the same sources. Galette's documentation is therefore available as HTML, PDF and EPUB formats; thanks to `Read the docs <>`_.
Build documentation
Once repository has been cloned, you should be able to build the documentation, but you may need some prerequisites installed:
Once the repository has been cloned, you should be able to build the documentation, but you may need some prerequisites installed:
* `Sphinx <>`_ to generate HTML and EPUB formats,
* a complete TeX/LaTeX environment to generate PDF (`TeX Live <>`_, `MacTEx <>`_, `MikTeX <>`_).
$ git clone git://
Clonage dans 'galettedoc'...
Cloning into 'galettedoc'...
Réception d'objets: 100% (4209/4209), 10.62 MiB | 840.00 KiB/s, fait.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (2658/2658), fait.
Receiving objects: 100% (4209/4209), 10.62 MiB | 840.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2658/2658), done.
In order to update translations, update POT files from sources rst files. This can be achieved running the following command:
In order to update translations, it is necessary to update POT files from the sources rst files. This can be achieved running the following command:
$ sphinx-build -b gettext source source/locale
In order to test your modifications locally on your workstation, you will need to build the documentation using an addtitonnal parameter with the ``make`` command. For example, to build the documentation in HTML in English, run :
$ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='en'" html
.. note::
By default, the ``make`` command will build the documentation in French.
How to contribute?
`A bug tracker dedicated to the documentation <>`_ allow you to inform us for all issues you may find and submit us fixes or evolutions you would want to integrate.
`A bug tracker dedicated to the documentation <>`_ allows you to inform us about all the issues you may find and submit us fixes or evolutions you would like to integrate in the project.
All documentation contributions must follow the :doc:`same rules as Galette source code <development/contributor>`.
All contributions to the documentation must follow the :doc:`same rules as contributions to the source code of Galette <development/contributor>`.