


Evolution #1319 » 0001-Syntax-and-rephrasing-on-dev-index-refs-1319.patch

Guillaume AGNIERAY, 05/10/2019 22:21

Voir les différences:

Developer manual
Galette project is kindly hosted by `TuxFamily <>`_:
The Galette project is kindly hosted by `TuxFamily <>`_:
* `Galette website <>`_,
* `Galette website <>`_,
* :doc:`a GIT repository to manage Galette source code <git>`,
* mailing lists,
* ...
* `a wonderfull :p documentation <>`_, you are currently reading,
* `a voting system <>`_, you can vote for features,
* a `Github organization <>`_, used to run unit tests or documentation on readthedocs, among others,
* `a continous integration system <>`_, that run a bunch of tests each time a commit is done on the github mirror.
* `a Telemetry application <>`_ which handle and display Telemetry informations sent from volunteers Galette instances.
* `a continous integration system <>`_, that runs a bunch of tests each time a commit is done on the github mirror.
* `a Telemetry application <>`_ which handles and displays Telemetry data received from volunteer Galette instances.
Current documentation aims to help you understand development rules for Galette, how the code is managed, ...
This documentation aims to help you understand the development rules of Galette, how the code is managed, ...
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2