


Evolution #1321 » 0001-Changes-about-actual-default-language-refs-1321.patch

Guillaume AGNIERAY, 06/10/2019 13:33

Voir les différences:

$ sphinx-build -b gettext source source/locale
In order to test your modifications locally on your workstation, you will need to build the documentation using an addtitonnal parameter with the ``make`` command. For example, to build the documentation in HTML in English, run :
In order to test your modifications locally on your workstation, you will need to build the documentation using an additional parameter with the ``make`` command. For example, to build the documentation in HTML in French, run :
$ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='en'" html
$ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'" html
.. note::
By default, the ``make`` command will build the documentation in current locale.
By default, the ``make`` command will build the documentation in English.
How to contribute?
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '0.9.3'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
language = 'fr'
# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
#modindex_common_prefix = []
# -- Internationalization configuration ----------------------------------------
# Directories in which to search for additional message catalogs.
locale_dirs = ["locale"]
# If true, Sphinx generates uuid information for version tracking in message
# catalogs.
gettext_uuid = True
# If true, a document’s text domain is its docname if it is a top-level project
# file and its very base directory otherwise.
gettext_compact = False
# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# The description of the document. The default value is 'unknown'.
epub_description = 'Documentation de Galette'
# The language of the document. This is put in the Dublin Core metadata. The
# default is the language option or 'en' if unset.
epub_language = 'fr'
# An identifier for the document. This is put in the Dublin Core metadata.
# For published documents this is the ISBN number, but you can also use an
# alternative scheme, e.g. the project homepage.
# If false, no module index is generated.
#latex_domain_indices = True
# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'galette', u'Galette Documentation',
[u'Johan Cwiklinski'], 1)
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False
# -- Options for PDF output --------------------------------------------------
#Grouping the document tree into PDF files. List of tuples
#(source start file, target name, title, author, options).
#If there is more than one author, separate them with \\.
#For example: r'Guido van Rossum\\Fred L. Drake, Jr., editor'
#The options element is a dictionary that lets you override
#this config per-document.
#For example,
#('index', u'MyProject', u'My Project', u'Author Name',
#dict(pdf_compressed = True))
#would mean that specific document would be compressed
#regardless of the global pdf_compressed setting.
pdf_documents = [
('index', u'galette', u'Documentation de Galette', u'Johan Cwiklinski'),
('usermanual/index', u'usermanual', u'Manuel Utilisateur de Galette', u'Johan Cwiklinski'),
('installation/index', u'installation', u'Installation de Galette', u'Johan Cwiklinski'),
('plugins/index', u'plugins', u'Plugins de Galette', u'Johan Cwiklinski'),
# A comma-separated list of custom stylesheets. Example:
pdf_stylesheets = ['sphinx','kerning','a4']
# Create a compressed PDF
# Use True/False or 1/0
# Example: compressed=True
pdf_compressed = True
# A colon-separated list of folders to search for fonts. Example:
# pdf_font_path = ['/usr/share/fonts', '/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/']
# Language to be used for hyphenation support
pdf_language = "fr_FR"
# Mode for literal blocks wider than the frame. Can be
# overflow, shrink or truncate
#pdf_fit_mode = "shrink"
# Section level that forces a break page.
# For example: 1 means top-level sections start in a new page
# 0 means disabled
pdf_break_level = 2
# When a section starts in a new page, force it to be 'even', 'odd',
# or just use 'any'
#pdf_breakside = 'any'
# Insert footnotes where they are defined instead of
# at the end.
#pdf_inline_footnotes = True
# verbosity level. 0 1 or 2
#pdf_verbosity = 0
# If false, no index is generated.
#pdf_use_index = True
# If false, no modindex is generated.
#pdf_use_modindex = False
# If false, no coverpage is generated.
#pdf_use_coverpage = True
# Name of the cover page template to use
#pdf_cover_template = 'sphinxcover.tmpl'
pdf_cover_template = '_styles/templates/galette_cover.tmpl'
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#pdf_appendices = []
# Enable experimental feature to split table cells. Use it
# if you get "DelayedTable too big" errors
#pdf_splittables = False
# Set the default DPI for images
#pdf_default_dpi = 72
# Enable rst2pdf extension modules (default is empty list)
# you need vectorpdf for better sphinx's graphviz support
#pdf_extensions = ['vectorpdf']
pdf_extensions = ['dotted_toc']
# Page template name for "regular" pages
#pdf_page_template = 'cutePage'
locale_dirs = ["locale"]
gettext_uuid = True
gettext_compact = False