


Evolution #1319 » 0001-Minor-modification-on-dev-index-page-refs-1319.patch

Guillaume AGNIERAY, 06/10/2019 13:36

Voir les différences:

* `a bug tracker <>`_, to declare issues or to ask for evolutions,
* `a wonderfull :p documentation <>`_, you are currently reading,
* `a voting system <>`_, you can vote for features,
* a `Github organization <>`_, used to run unit tests or documentation on readthedocs, among others,
* `a Github organization <>`_, used to run unit tests or documentation on readthedocs, among others,
* `a continous integration system <>`_, that runs a bunch of tests each time a commit is done on the github mirror.
* `a Telemetry application <>`_ which handles and displays Telemetry data received from volunteer Galette instances.