


Evolution #1321 » 0001-Rephrasing-after-rereading-refs-1321.patch

Guillaume AGNIERAY, 13/10/2019 10:49

Voir les différences:

Galette's documentation
`Galette <>`_ is an open source and free membership management web application towards non profit organizations.
`Galette <>`_ is a `Free/Libre Open Source <>`__ membership management web application dedicated towards non profit organizations.
.. rst-class:: docs install_doc
:doc:`developer guide <development/index>`
You can also :doc:`know more about Galette documentation </about>` (used technologies, how to retrieve sources and build).
If you want, you can also :doc:`learn more about Galette's documentation itself</about>` (used technologies, how to retrieve the documentation sources, translate and build it).
.. only:: html