Evolution #1779
closedMore explicit upgrade warning when on latest release
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Galette asks when a database upgrade is required; but many users goes to upgrade path anyway.
When they arrive on previous database version selection, they try to select an old one, and process always fails because database is up-to-date. There is an existing warning on the page, but it seems this is not enough.
Adding an extra step with this only warning will maybe make things clearer.
Updated by Johan Cwiklinski about 1 year ago
- Subject changed from More explicit upgrade warngin when on latest release to More explicit upgrade warning when on latest release
Updated by Johan Cwiklinski about 1 year ago
- Status changed from Nouveau to Résolu
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Appliqué par commit aebfc3e48727e3bce3d99f4fc7eba997db9defb6.