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# Projet Tracker Statut Priorité Sujet Assigné à Mis-à-jour Version cible
1815 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Documents with inaccessible permissions are not listed in the management list Johan Cwiklinski 19/05/2024 09:25 Actions
1802 Galette Evolution Fermé Normal Option to disable social networks on member form/view Guillaume AGNIERAY 17/03/2024 20:25 Galette - 1.1.0 Actions
1797 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Timeout when checking new release Johan Cwiklinski 02/03/2024 15:40 Actions
1755 Site Anomalie Fermé Normal Broken links to the old development documentation 10/12/2023 09:28 Actions
1752 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal Batch emails from bookings list is broken Johan Cwiklinski 29/11/2023 08:31 Actions
1751 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Batch take or remove actions are broken 29/11/2023 07:48 Actions
1750 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Filters issue : the objects list is displayed empty after a mass removal action Johan Cwiklinski 29/11/2023 07:56 Actions
1749 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Error when printing objects Johan Cwiklinski 28/11/2023 23:01 Actions
1747 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Comments are not stored when returning or changing the status of an object Johan Cwiklinski 28/11/2023 22:41 Actions
1746 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Cannot remove objects that have been rented once Johan Cwiklinski 28/11/2023 22:40 Actions
1740 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Direct links {LINK_CONTRIBPDF} are not working Johan Cwiklinski 14/11/2023 07:41 Actions
1723 Prêt d'objets Anomalie Fermé Normal Picture is not stored when creating a new object Johan Cwiklinski 19/10/2023 22:08 Actions
1722 Auto Anomalie Fermé Normal Error when creating a new car Johan Cwiklinski 19/10/2023 22:15 Actions
1720 Galette Anomalie Commentaire Bas CSRF check fails on system error Johan Cwiklinski 23/07/2024 10:56 Actions
1717 Galette Evolution Fermé Normal Resize and crop members' picture to a fixed ratio Guillaume AGNIERAY 19/10/2023 22:09 Galette - 1.0.0 Actions
1709 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal New booking from the members list doesn't autocomplete the member field on form 05/10/2023 15:14 Actions
1708 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Parent group can be lost when a groupmanager edits a group Guillaume AGNIERAY 19/10/2023 22:13 Galette - 1.0.0 Actions
1707 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal Member select field is broken on booking form 05/10/2023 15:15 Actions
1706 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Bas Translated activities added in list as new activities 07/10/2023 09:38 Actions
1705 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal Group manager cannot export bookings Guillaume AGNIERAY 07/10/2023 09:32 Actions
1704 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal Wrong bookings export results Johan Cwiklinski 07/10/2023 09:31 Actions
1703 Évènements Evolution Fermé Normal Add events title in bookings export 05/10/2023 15:15 Actions
1702 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Batch actions are not working for group managers 05/10/2023 15:14 Actions
1701 Évènements Anomalie Fermé Normal Batch actions on bookings list not working Guillaume AGNIERAY 05/10/2023 15:15 Actions
1696 Galette Anomalie Fermé Normal Unnecessary scrolling in modal when adding a dynamic field Guillaume AGNIERAY 26/09/2023 08:11 Actions
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