Anomalie #1747
Comments are not stored when returning or changing the status of an object
Ajouté par Guillaume AGNIERAY il y a environ un an.
Mis à jour il y a environ un an.
Either when using the single action icon to return an object, or when editing an object an changing it's status.
When editing and changing the status of an object, the chosen member isn't stored neither.
- Assigné à mis à Johan Cwiklinski
During my tests; it was impossible to store status, code was waiting for object name...
I've changed the way all that is managed; and I also fixed the comment; which is meant to be stored in the last still opened status, not on the new one (this is historical, before I work on this plugin).
- Statut changé de Nouveau à Résolu
- % réalisé changé de 0 à 100
- Statut changé de Résolu à Fermé
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